Explore The World With Ease.

Embark on unforgettable journeys with Global Kruze. Explore exciting destinations, seamless bookings, and personalized experiences for every traveler.



As our brand’s commitment “For Holidays”, Global Kruze Promotes Personalized Hospitality Services, we ensure to deliver value for money and quality at all times. The impression of our logo is the emblem of our magnitude that spreads the exuberance around the globe to all the travel destinations. With the intent of total customer satisfaction and optimal flexibility, we offer a range of service options to facilitate your holidays. We are here to redefine travel the way you desire!

Honeymoon Packages Special 30% Off

Select Hotel Deals

Honeymoon packages are specially curated travel experiences designed for newlyweds, offering a romantic and memorable getaway.

Get 30% Off

Let's Explore The World

Why Choose Us

Our Unique Offerings

Advice & Support

Our professionals strive hard to make you satisfy.

Time Flexibility

Impeccable assistance to everyone in need of an hour.

Value For Money

Find less fare? We match it and refund double the fare

Safety And Security

Multi-layer verification makes your payment safe.

Special Fare Prices

Special fare prices offer discounted rates for travel services, typically for limited periods, specific groups, or early bookings.

Special Offers

Discover exclusive travel deals with Global Kruze! Enjoy discounted flights, hotel rates, car rentals, and vacation packages.


Explore New


And Make Unforgettable Memories!

Best Of Vehicles Available

Best of vehicles available with chauffeur & sanatized for all occasions be it weddings, family tours, event & occasion transfers.

  • Car
  • Sedans
  • SUV
  • Luxury Toyota
  • Minibus GL
  • Kluger SUV
  • Lexus Sedan
car rental

We Operate FIT And Group Packages Across All The Destinations